Wednesday, September 1, 2010

For more information

You can go to geogebra and get the tutorial to improve your geogebraing skills. Heres the link to the offical geogebra website:

Thank you

So have fun and create objects like the ones above. Geogebra can help one with math along.

Locus the awesome command

You can make a point P by entering it in the input bar: P=(2,4)

If you use a capital letter the object is shown as a point, otherwise as a vector.

You can find the x- and y-coordinate of a point P by using the commands x(P) and y(P)respectively.

■Make a unit circle by placing a point A at the origin and a point B with coordinates (1,0).
■Place a point C on the circle and make an angle α representing the angle BAC.
■Make a point P to represent the sine-function, input P=(α,y(C)), the x-coordinate will represent the angle and the y-coordinate will represent the corresponding value of sine.
■Move C!
■You can let Q represent the graph of cosine in a similar way.

It should overall look like this:

More cool stuff

You can even mess with the sine cosine and tanjent commands and create an image that may look like :

Drawing irregular shapes: oval

To draw an oval: try out this equation 93.25x^2+ 77.25y^2-154.51y = 373.0
or you can simply put three points: A(0,0), B( 0,2) and C( 2,0) and do this: ecilpse(A,B,C) this should produse an oval shape like

More cooler things that you can do with geogebra

Heres the link to a really cool thing to do with geogebra and that is to ainimate things with it. Example will be racing cars.

Also, one can also find out radiuses of circles like this:

or make out cool shapes like this too:

c: x² + y² = 16 This is the equation of a circle that will attribute it to have a radius of 4. The radius of the circle can be seen from the sqaure root of the number at the end of the equation. It will look something like this.

I have to agree that this drawing is not a good example.